Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Chapter 4

"Why Is There No 4 Star Ranking? : Website & Forum." Disclose.tv. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Aug. 2013. <http://www.disclose.tv/forum/why-is-there-no-4-star-ranking-t56470.html>.

Ralph- In this chapter Ralph is shown as a leader who is losing faith in all his juniors. He finally see's a ship while talking to Piggy and turns to see the signal that Jack had supposedly prepared but is turned down as the flame went out. He then runs up to the signal to try and light a flame but its too late. He then see's Jack returning back to the beach with a pig, when he questions Jack about the signal Jack pretends not to hear causing a huge hatred between both the boys.
Jack- Jack's character now starts changing during this chapter in the story. His lack of communication and leadership left the boys from being rescued by a passing ship. His obsession with killing a pig drove him crazy by camouflaging himself to blend in with the jungle. He eventually caught the pig but since he did not order someone to watch the signal they had built it had costed the whole group from being rescued.
Piggy- Piggy at this point in the story is still being bullied and not listened to. He stays beside Ralph's side as if he were his lieutenant. When Piggy complains and confronts Jack about his hunters immaturity Jack slaps him shattering one of the glasses on his frame.

Theme- This is one of the most important chapters in the story as, in this chapter the lacking leadership qualities and the selfishness in Jack led to the boys not being rescued by a passing ship. Then in-turn when Ralph confronted Jack he wouldn't listen. Finally when Jack slapped Piggy and broke his glasses, it caused an outrage in Ralph and therefore he blew the trumpet-shell to host a meeting.

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